Thursday, September 17, 2015

New Calico Grey Kitten

Here are some pictures of the new Calico Grey her name is Chandler Lilly Bing "Chan". Her name completes the set for our three cats Jack, Qi, and Chan...get it "Jackie Chan"! lol

 She wanted to be held but I was try ti get some work done.

 Watching TV.

Have a great day!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New Calico Incident

When we got a new cat Chandler Lilly Bing "Chan" we didn't expect Qi's reaction.
 Qi ran down to the basement and hid for 3 days!
 At this point we discovered that Qi was the boss/momma/alpha cat of the house and she was not impressed with us!
 Qi eventually came around but it took a few weeks. On the other hand Jack liked having a new play buddy that she could boss around! lol
Have a great day!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Calico On Me part 2

So Jack is bigger now and she needs my whole back to rest! lol

Have a great day!