Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Top of the Stairs

No hazard here at the top of the stairs! Standard "trying to trip and kill the Human" behaviour.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Jack the Calico Owns Me!

So I'm starting to think that our Calico Cat Jack thinks she owns me!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Halloween Returns

This past Halloween out Calico Cat Jack decided she wanted to help with the pumpkin carving!

Friday, November 21, 2014

New Calico Cat - Chan!

This month is the one year birthday of our third Calico Cat..Chan! Now all three names are Jack, Qi(key), & Chan...get it? Let it sink in.

When Chan arrived our biggest and momma of the house cat Qi did not like it. Qi hid for the better part of a week in the darkest corner of the basement.

Poor Qi...but now after about 9 months all three cats are friends!

Have a great day!