Thursday, December 8, 2011

Calico Cat Qi Chain

The origin of our Calico Cat Qi Chain's name.

Calico Cat - Qi Chain

Calico Cat closeup!

We were trying to choose names for both our cats that have to do with the movies but Qi's name is more interesting I think.

"Qi" (we pronounced is Key not chi) - Qi is energy!

"Chain" - Well it works as key-chain but think deeper...chain reaction or energy (Qi) reaction.

As an end note both our calico kittens names work together also...Jack-Qi! Since they are both girls!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Calico Cat Jack Ripley

This post is about our Calico Cat Jack Ripley's name origin.

Calico Cat - Jack Ripley
Calico Cat Stretching

I'm a sci-fi fan and I love all space movies! So if you're good with space movies then you already know how we came up with Jack Ripley's name.

"Jack" - The character "Jack" from Pitch Black the first Chronicles of Riddick movie.

"Ripley" - The character "Ellen Ripley" from the Alien movies.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Calico Cats

About 2 months ago we got 2 sister calico cats! They were really cute kittens at first:

Above that is "Jack Ripley" on the left and "Qi Chain" (pronounced "Key Chain") on the right.
Before long we discovered they may be the spawn of Satan!

Here is Jack attacking my leg...only slowed by the flash of my camera phone!

Here is Qi with that smug look on her face after she ordered her sister Jack to attack my leg. If you look hard enough into her eyes you can tell she is already planning their next attack!